Adolf Hitler Death : History : Part 2
adolf hitler
Born - 20 April 1889 - Hungary (Austria)
Dead - 30 April 1945 - Berlin, Nazi, Germany,
Age - 56 year
Citizenship - Austrian -1889 – 1925 Stateless -1925 –1932 German -1932–1945
Political party - Nazi Party - 1921–1945
Adolf Hitler Death - Suicide by gunshot
Parents - Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl
Spouse - Eva Braun
Adolf Hitler Death : History : Part 2
The two young ladies got on well. Andthey both shared an important secret. Their parting exchange was very friendly. Käthe said, "I will soon be free. Then we can meet up in Berlinand I'll take you to my hairdresser's". But that neverhappened. Meanwhile, the British and the Americans continued to seek the truth about Hitler’smysterious disappearance, and they still countedon Soviet cooperation. Here's a request from the British and theAmericans to Soviet leadership in Berlin. Our generals passed on the request toforeign affairs minister Vyacheslav Molotov and Stalin, askingfor instructions.
adolf hitler death : What information were they authorisedto give and should they cooperate with the British and the Americans toclarify the details of Hitler's death. Archives hold a request from intelligencechief Lavrenti Beria to Molotov to pass on theinformation to the Allies. But it seems the Kremlindecided not to allow it. The lie went around the worldand kept the press on alert. People everywherereported having seen Hitler. Nazi sympathizers seized the opportunityto spread the myth Hitler was still alive and would returnto save the Reich. One of the rumours wasparticularly annoying for the British: The Soviets accused themof helping Hitler escape; and that they were hiding him somewherein the British occupied zone to use him as a bargaining chipagainst them at the appropriate time.
dolf hitler death : In order to put an end to such accusations,the British commissioned a young historian, Hugh Trevor-Roper, to investigatethe question of Hitler's whereabouts. The Russians denied him their supportand any access to the Chancellery, located in theSoviet sector. But Trevor-Roper found several witnessesin British and American prison camps, who had experienced the lastmoments in the Führer's bunker. The historian was soon certain thatHitler had committed suicide on April 30. Shortly afterwards, his bodywas burned by his bodyguards. But Trevor-Roper's report was basedsolely on testimony from witnesses. What he lacked was evidence,and most importantly, the body.
Adolf hitler death
That is why he was unable to put astop to the rumours that were becoming more andmore colourful. At that time, the FBI received thousandsof reports from all over the world about sightings of Hitler, whichwere checked and categorised. In March 1953 the news spread likewildfire around the world: Stalin was dead. The unscrupulous dictator, victor ofthe Second World War, merciless tyrant, glorified and hated ruler had died,and nobody knew what would follow the regime of terror he had maintainedfor almost 30 years in the Soviet Union. Beria had the honourable task ofdelivering the eulogy on Red Square. The head of Soviet StateIntelligence hoped to seize power. But soon afterwards he was arrested, puton trial, sentenced to death and executed. KM-long shelves contained the carefullydocumented secrets of the Stalin regime.
Adolf dolf hitler death : 8 years adolf hitler death , the truth about his death remainedlocked away in secret archives. Only a few remaining eyewitnesses knew the details. In 1955, Elena was finally free to say andwrite that Hitler committed suicide. But nothingmore. Nothing about the investigation,the identification of his remains and even lessabout Stalin's lies. Anyway, who would believeher? Where was the proof? Among the numerous versionsof Hitler's disappearance, it was now the suicide theory that those inpower preferred. But not just any suicide. The idea that Hitler poisoned himselfwas much more interesting for propaganda than if he shothimself in the head. Suicide by shooting isseen as an act of courage, while taking poison isa sign of cowardliness.
Adolf hitler death : The 1st lie, told by Stalin, was that Hitlerwas alive and had succeeded in escaping. His successors opted for anotherversion, that Hitler had poisoned himself. That version was spread andrepeated until everyone had heard it. The Brezhnev era began in 1964.One year later, the Soviet leader decided to commemorate the end of the warby making Victory Day a public holiday. 20 years had passed sincethe end of the war. In 1965, Elena wrote about what had happened,what the intelligence services had done. Elena was now a respected writer. She wasobsessed by the lies about adolf hitler death . She wanted to publicize whatshe knew and dispel the myths.
Adolf hitler death : But to make it credible, it needed to bebased on the proof hidden in the archives. After multiple requests, she finallygained access to some of the documents. As she was given little timeto carry out her research, Elena frantically copied allof the documents given to her. She filled fivelarge notebooks. She could not choose the documentsand didn't know what was in the archives. She had nocatalogue. She had to stay sitting in a chair, anofficial gave her one dossier after another.
Adolf hitler death : The importance and interestof the documents varied hugely. One day, she opened a dossier with a listof trophies sent from Berlin to Moscow. Hitler's coat, a papershredder found in the bunker and the names of Käthe Heusermannand several other Germans. That's how my grandmother learned Käthehad been sent to Moscow. Like an object. It was a huge shock. Elena was suddenlytransported 20 years into the past, to the SMERSHinterrogation room in Berlin. She remembered KätheHeusermann, Hitler's dentist's assistant, the main witness who had enabledthe identification of Hitler's remains. Elena got on well withthe cheerful young woman. Now she knew Käthehad never been released. On the morning of June 29, 1945, at 06:00,I was transported with 7 other prisoners to a Berlin airfield and puton a cargo plane to Moscow. On arrival, we were immediatelytaken in a police van to Lubyanka prison and put in solitaryconfinement.
Adolf hitler death : may cell was very small, just 7 steps longand water ran down the black-painted walls. She didn't know how long they wouldkeep her there. Or what she was accused of. She did understandwhy she was in prison. I spent six years insolitary confinement. In August 1951, they charged me withhelping a bourgeois state prolong the war by participating in Hitler's dental healthcare. They said I should've killed him, by breakinga bottle over his head during teatment. That way I wouldhave saved the world. After 6 years in asecret KGB prison, there followed an absurd indictmentand a sentence with no trial. A month earlier, Stalin’sprotegé Viktor Abakumov, the former head of SMERSHand minister for state security, had fallen into disgrace andwas dismissed from office. In 1951, whenAbakumov was arrested, it was discovered that a number ofGermans who witnessed Hitler's death, were being held withouta warrant for their arrest. So a list was drawn up and sentto Stalin for further instructions. He decided theywere to be sentenced. Everyone on the list was given a longsentence for imaginary political crimes. That way, nobody couldspeak about what they had seen. I was sentenced to 10 years ina forced labour camp in Siberia, with the 6.5 years solitaryalready served taken into account. I signed. I was happy to go to a camp with fellowsufferers and escape my stone tomb in Moscow. In December 1951, Käthe left Moscow for Siberia in a cattle wagon.
Adolf hitler death : She was given her littlesuitcase of summer dresses, packed in Berlin 6.5 years previouswhen she thought she'd be away for a week. The journey lasted 14 days and Kätherecalled that when one of the prisoners died, the guards threw thebody out into the snow. She wrote that she had to doan extreme amount of labour. I couldn't keep up. At thetime I weighed under 40 kilos. Because I did not workenough, my food ration was cut. No breakfast, no food inthe evening, just at midday. If a fellow prisoner hadn’t helped me, Iwould have certainly starved to death. Käthe Heusermann was sentenced becauseshe could testify that Hitler was dead. She was imprisoned in the SovietUnion so that nobody would find out those in power hadfalsified historical facts. She suffered becauseof her services to history.
Adolf hitler death : First a secret prisoner, thensentenced for a made- up crime, Käthe was first released after ten yearsin 1955. Her situation changed completely. We arrived in Moscow on June 1stand they took us around the city by bus. They showed us theKremlin, the university, and the underground stations whichwere each individually decorated, with mosaics,paintings and marble. Käthe returned to Germany inan express train with sleeping cars, white curtainsand lampshades. In the Soviet Union, tourists had to spendall their rubles before leaving the country. The men often invested their littlemoney in Crimean champagne or vodka from the dining carand gave the rest as tips. For eight years, Käthe's family knewnothing of what had become of her. Until a recently released prisoner said thatshe was alive and in a prison camp in Siberia. Käthe’s husband, whohad returned from the front, had had her declareddead and remarried.
Adolf hitler death : But she immediatelyadapted to her new existence. Surprisingly she said that chapter of mylife is over. Now I'm starting a new life. I am not a woman with an absenthusband, am I? I have no idea who I am. What are you when you have been declareddead? Dead? I don't know what to call that. That ishow it was. 20 years after the end of WW II, Elena'sbook was finally published in Moscow. But first it had topass two censors. The first was the normal one that everybook in the Soviet Union was subject to. The second check wascarried out by the KGB. It forbade her from saying shehad access to their secret archives. So from an historical point of viewthe work was basically worthless. The author was not allowed to base herwriting on findings or concrete sources. She was also banned from mentioningofficial lies or divulging state secrets. She would have to waitanother 25 years to do that.
Adolf hitler death : In 1991, the SovietUnion collapsed. Outside the Lubyankabuilding, the KGB headquarters, the statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founderof the KGB’s predecessor was removed. Was it now finally possibleto tell the whole story? When I became director ofthe State Archives in 1992, there was a kind ofhandover of power. My predecessor handed me a boxthat contained parts of Hitler's skull and documents on theinvestigation into his death. It was only after thefall of the Soviet Union that we could launch what isknown as: The Archive Revolution. Millions of documents were declassifiedso that researchers could access them. The findings, material evidenceas well as parts of Hitler's skull had been kept in the state archives,while the archives of the KGB, now the FSB, had kept part of the witness reports,including that of Käthe Heusermann, as well as the main proof,Hitler's teeth under lock and key. But where were the bodies? Thecharred remains of Hitler and Eva Braun? The remains were handed over tothe Chief of Staff of the third army, stationed inEast Germany. Every time the army wasre-located they took them with them. They had to dig them up and burythem in a new secret hiding place. In 1970, the then KGB chief YuriAndropov advised Leonid Brezhnev to get rid of the charred remains thathad followed the third army for 25 years. The secret document about thedestruction of the Nazi leaders' remains was discovered in the archivesin 1992 and the case was closed.
Adolf hitler death : 47 years later, all the evidenceof Hitler's gunshot suicide in his bunker on April 30,1945, was finally made public. Nothing remains secret. Everything comesout in the end. History teaches us that. Even the best- keptsecret comes out in the end. The governments that followed never felt itnecessary to explain themselves. In the 90s, Russianleaders said: OK, there were secrets, but itwas the work of the Soviet Union. They should have issued a general verdicton the Soviet era and the Soviet regime as an instrument of power basedon violence that violated its own laws. But that judgement of the pastand Soviet crimes never happened.
Adolf Hitler Death : History : Part 1
Life History.......................
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