Napoleon bonaparte 1813: Battle of the Nations
Napoleon bonaparte 1813: Battle of the Nations
October 1813. Napoleon Bonaparte faced hisgreatest crisis since becoming Emperor of the French army, napoleonic wars nine years before. His long war in Spain had ended in defeat,and an Anglo-Spanish Portuguese army had now crossed the Pyrenees to invade France itself. In Germany, the Kingdom of Bavaria had switchedsides, and joined the Sixth Coalition against France. While in Saxony, Napoleon bonaparte faced four armiesconverging on him from all directions. What’s more, these were not the same bunglershe’d crushed in 1805 and ‘6, at Austerlitz and Jena. Prussia, Austria and Russia had all learned from their mistakes; they were now better organised, trained and led, and more waryof Napoleon… The largest Coalition force was the Army of Bohemia, commanded by Austrian Field Marshal the Prince of Schwarzenberg. His was a huge mixed Austrian-Russian-Prussian army of 194,000 men and 790 guns. To the north, Blücher’s Army of Silesia,and the Army of the North, under napoleon abdicated,
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now Crown Prince of Sweden. Together, 130,000 men and 536 guns. To the southeast, General Bennigsen’s Armyof Poland, besieging Dresden. Another 34,000 men and 135 guns. In total, the Coalition had fielded 360,000men and 1500 guns, with Russia supplying the bulk of the troops. One unique addition to Bernadotte’s Armyof the North was a single troop of British rocket artillery - an experimental weapon-systembased on the Congreve rocket, a type seen here in 1830. Although wildly inaccurate,their high explosive warhead could be devastating at close range. Napoleon bonaparte forces around Leipzig were outnumberedalmost two-to-one. But with 200,000 men and 700 guns, the Grande Armée was still a force to be reckoned with, with many experienced troops and commanders,even though it increasingly relied on young conscripts to make up numbers. There were another 140,000 men that Napoleon bonaparte could not call on… General Rapp’s Tenth Corps besieged in Danzig, Marshal St.Cyr’sFirst Corps besieged in Dresden, Marshal Davout’s Thirteenth Corps holding Hamburg, as wellas several smaller besieged garrisons across Germany and Poland.
Napoleon bonaparte was currently about 20 miles northof Leipzig with the bulk of his army. Marshal Murat was 40 miles to the south with90,000 men, covering Schwarzenberg. Napoleon bonaparte now decided to rapidly join Murat,and with their temporary superiority in numbers, defeat Schwarzenberg, before Bernadotte and Blücher could intervene. Murat had orders to conduct a fighting withdraw alnorth wards, but at Liebertwolkwitz, he was drawn into major combat with the enemy’sadvance guard. Around 12,000 horsemen fought what some havedescribed as the largest cavalry battle in Europe’s history. Murat, in the thick ofit as usual, was very nearly captured by Prussian dragoons. The battle ended in a minor Coalition victory,with around 2,000 casualties on each side. The next day Napoleon bonaparte arrived to take command. By 16th October, Napoleon bonaparte had military leader ,french military cncentratedmost of his forces south of Leipzig. Field Marshal Schwarzenberg meanwhile, againstRussian advice, had deployed his army on either side of the Pleisse River, which would hinderhis movements throughout the battle. Napoleon bonaparte had entrusted the northern sectorto Marshal Ney, with orders to keep an eye out for Blücher and Bernadotte. But Napoleon bonaparte didn’t expect them for at least another day, and so Ney had orders to transfer mostof his troops south for the attack on Schwarzenberg. Schwarzenberg, however, knew that Blücherand Bernadotte were closer than Napoleon bonaparte suspected, and that Bennigsen was also marching up fromDresden. This was the moment the Coalition had beenwaiting for - all their armies converging on Napoleon with overwhelming superiorityin numbers. However the Coalition’s Headquarters werenothing like Napoleon bonaparte were one man’s will decided all. Schwarzenberg had to attempt to co-ordinatethe actions of three large armies, from three separate states. And although he was Commander-in-Chief, hisplans still needed to be approved by Emperor Alexander, the Supreme Commander… whilsthe also managed relations with the King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria, all ofwhom were present at his headquarters. The plan finally agreed was for General Wittgenstein’scorps-group to lead an attack in four main columns – with two Austrian flanking attackswest of the Pleisse. At 8am, a bombardment began along the line,as Russian, Austrian and Prussian infantry regiments advanced across cold, muddy fields. Wachau soon fell to Russian infantry, butFrench artillery fire made it impossible for them to advance further. Victor’s SecondCorps then counter-attacked, retaking the village at bayonet-point. Wachau would change hands twice more thatmorning. These bloody contests for small Saxon villageswould come to typify the fighting around Leipzig. At Markkleeberg, Kleist’s Prussian Second Corps drove out the Polish defenders after bitter fighting. While on the left bank of the Pleisse, Merveldt’s Austrian Second Corps struggled across broken ground to attack well-defended villages. Theirassault on Connewitz stalled, but with heavy losses, the Austrians got a toe-hold in Dölitz. On the right flank, around 10am Klenau’s Fourth Corps occupied the high ground of the Kolmberg, and fought its way into Liebertwolkwitz.
Napoleon bonaparte observing from Gallow’s Hill,ordered up Augereau’s Ninth Corps and the Young Guard in support. Macdonald’s Eleventh Corps was now alsoarriving in position on his left. His troops retook the Kolmberg, and counterattacked Liebertwolkwitz,driving out the Austrians, and pursuing them over the fields beyond. The advance was only halted when Russian Cossackswere sighted on their open left flank – a warning that Bennigsen’s army was not faroff. The Coalition offensive was going nowhere,with most of its modest gains lost to French counterattacks. But there was one sector where the Coalitionhad more success that morning: General Gyulai’s Austrian Third Corps, withorders to threaten Napoleon bonaparte line of retreat, advanced over marshy ground towards Lindenau.Ney had to divert Bertrand’s Fourth Corps to reinforce the village, and ensure the roadto France was kept open. Napoleon bonaparte was waiting for Ney’s reinforcementsbefore launching his attack on Schwarzenberg. But now Fourth Corps was tied down at Lindenau…and there was more bad news from Ney: Blücher’s Army of Silesia was approachingfrom the northwest. Marmont’s Sixth Corps had had to turn about, to keep the Prussiansat bay. Heavy fighting broke out around Möckern,the village itself held by elite French marines… while Dąbrowski’s Polish division clungonto Wiederitzsch, under attack from an entire Russian corps. This was a nasty surprise for Napoleon, who’dthought Blücher was still a day’s march away. But the old Prussian general, hearing cannon-fireto the south, had urged his men on, and into the attack. Blücher intended to draw as many French troopsonto himself as possible, to assist Schwarzenberg’s Army of Bohemia. His actions, and the bloody fight for Möckern,may just have saved the Coalition from defeat… Napoleon bonaparte was outnumbered across the wholebattlefield, but in the south, he still had a numerical advantage… not as large as he’dhoped, nor likely to last long. Schwarzenberg and Alexander were already movingup reserves – though Schwarzenberg now found that his were on the wrong side of the PleisseRiver – costing precious hours. It was now or never for Napoleon bonaparte At 2pm he ordered the attack to begin. A grand battery of 180 guns blasted the enemylines…. Then Victor’s Second Corps, Lauriston’sFifth Corps and the Young Guard began their advance. In support, Murat gathered two entire cavalrycorps – 10,000 horsemen – and led them in one of the great mass cavalry charges ofthe Napoleonic Wars. Cuirassiers of the 1st Heavy Cavalry Divisionbroke through to the main enemy battery.
Some even nearly reached the three Coalition monarchs. But the ground was marshy and broken by fencesand ditches. The French horses were soon exhausted, and the squadrons disordered. Austrian cuirassiers and Russian Guard cavalrywere coming up from the south. When these fresh Allied cavalry reserves chargedthe French, a great melee ensued… but the French were eventually driven back to theirstart line. Maison’s division of the Fifth Corps wasinvolved in a desperate struggle for Gülden-Gossa. The fighting swept back and forth throughthe village, the streets filling with dead and wounded from both sides. But as Russian and Prussian Guard regimentsarrived to reinforce the village, the French were forced to fall back. Around 4pm, the Austrian Reserve Corps finallyarrived, and renewed the assault on Markkleeberg - one of the morning’s objectives, whichwas finally secured. By 5pm it was clear that Napoleon bonaparte didn’thave enough reserves to force a decisive outcome in the south. To the north, Möckern was being stubbornlyheld by French marines, with lethal close-range artillery support. But despite terrible losses, Yorck’s Prussiancorps continued to attack. Marshal Marmont himself was wounded twice,but remained in command. Finally a brilliant charge by Prussian hussarstriggered a French rout. Möckern fell, as Marmont’s corps streamed back towards Leipzig. As dusk fell around 6pm, fighting died outacross the battle field. The first day of the battle had cost the French an estimated 25,000 casualties; the Coalition, at least 30,000. Napoleon bonaparte had come close, but failed to landa decisive blow. The chance for victory was slipping from hisgrasp. LEIPZIG DAY 217th October 1813 “VIII Corps have lost a third of their menand many off icers. All ammunition stocks have been used up… The slightest delay in ammunitionresupply could cause us heavy losses as we have not enough to maintain combat for onehour.” Poniatiowski’s report, end of Sat 16th Oct Sunday 17th October brought a lull, with botharmies exhausted by the previous day’s fighting. Napoleon bonaparte needed to rest his troops and resupplythem with ammunition, which was running dangerously low. He also sent a message to his father-in-law,Emperor Francis I, suggesting an armistice and finally offering concessions. But theallies were no longer interested. They knew time was on their side. The only major combat that day occurred inthe north, where Blücher continued to attack. Russian infantry stormed Eutritzsch… and Gohlis… Russian hussars charged and routed part ofArrighi’s Third Cavalry Corps. That day Napoleon received 14,000 reinforcementswhen Reynier’s French-Saxon Seventh Corps arrived from the northeast. But the same day, the Coalition received morethan 100,000 reinforcements, as their armies continued to converge on Leipzig. Colloredo’s Austrian First Corps… Bennigsen’sArmy of Poland… and Bernadotte’s Army of the North – though the latter was widelycriticised for his leisurely march to the battlefield. The next day Napoleon bonaparte would face odds of nearlytwo to one – it was time for the emperor to begin planning his retreat. On Monday morning, the sun shone across 40square miles of battlefield, on which nearly half a million troops and 2,000 cannon wereassembled: soldiers from France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Poland, Italy, Sweden, theNetherlands, and even Britain. This was truly ‘the Battle of the Nations’. In preparation for his withdrawal, Napoleon bonaparte pulled back his forces into a tighter, defensive perimeter…. and ordered Bertrand’s Fourth Corps to marchwest to secure the army’s line of retreat. Two divisions of the Young Guard, under Marshal Mortier, took their place at Lindenau. Schwarzenberg, meanwhile, planned to closethe net on Napoleon bonaparte , with six converging attacks. Fighting in the south began around 8am. The Austrians took Dölitz, but Marshal Oudinotled a counterattack at the head of a Young Guard division, and drove them out again. Schwarzenberg was so alarmed by this reverse,that he sent orders to recall Gyulai’s Third Corps. General Barclay’s troops initially facedlittle opposition, as they took Wachau and Liebertwolkwitz, scenes of such bitter fightingtwo days before, but now scarcely defended. Barclay then paused, waiting for Bennigsento get into position on his right, before continuing his attack. Bennigsen’s troops had more ground to cover,but towards noon, they’d driven back Macdonald’s infantry and taken their objectives. They would now wait for Bernadotte’s armyto link up on their right. But the Army of the North was again making slow progress,for which many, again, blamed its commander, who seemed exceedingly cautious about facinghis old master in battle. Blücher, in contrast, did not hesitate tolaunch Russian infantry against Leipzig’s northern defences, though their attack failedwith heavy losses. By 2pm, Napoleon bonaparte was hard-pressed on all fronts,but holding his own. His attention was now focused on Probstheida,key to his southern front, under attack from Kleist’s Prussian Second Corps. French troops had turned the village intoa fortress, and inflicted terrible losses on the advancing Prussians. Probstheida was soon engulfed in smoke andfire, as fighting raged on all sides. Some Prussian regiments lost half their men attackingthe village, while three French generals were killed as they organised its defence. Napoleoneven sent in Friant’s division of the Guard to reinforce the position. To the north, Bernadotte’s army was finallyjoining the battle in earnest. Marmont had assembled 137 guns around Schönefeld,which poured fire into the Russian ranks. In response, Bernadotte massed 200 guns ofhis own. The fields were soon strewn with the deadand wounded, as the sheer weight of fire made it impossible for either side to advance. Around 3pm, von Bulow’s Prussian corps,supported by Austrian jaegers and its small British rocket detachment, attacked Paunsdorf. Reynier’s Seventh Corps could not withstandthe onslaught. An hour later, around 3,000 Saxon soldiersrushed over to the enemy and surrendered. The Saxons were deeply disillusioned withtheir French allies. Their main wish now was for a quick end to a war that had ravagedtheir homeland for many months. The hole in the line created by the Saxons’defection was soon plugged by Guard cavalry. But the Coalition juggernaut could not bestopped. Towards dusk, under relentless Russian pressure,Marmont abandoned the burning ruins of Schönefeld, while the Prussians took Sellerhausen. In the south, Probstheida still held, butthe situation was grim for Napoleon. The third day’s fighting cost both sidesanother 25,000 casualties. Napoleon’s army was exhausted, outnumbered,virtually encircled… and critically low on ammunition. Finally, the Emperor gave the order to retreat. Overnight, under cover of darkness and earlymorning fog, the French army withdrew behind Leipzig’s walls… and at 4am began itsretreat west, crossing the single bridge over the Elster River, that led back to France. There’d been time and materials to buildextra bridges, but in what would prove a serious oversight, no one had given the necessaryorders. Furthermore, there was no clear plan for Leipzig’sdefence, which was left to a jumble of under-strength units, mostly Poles and Germans. Napoleon left Leipzig around 10am. Behind him, there were scenes of mountingchaos and confusion, the city’s streets jammed with troops, guns and wagons. The 20,000 wounded troops in the city hadlittle hope of escape. 30 minutes later shells began to rain on thecity, as the Coalition launched an all-out assault from north, east and south. The rearguard held the city’s gates foras long as they could. But they were soon overwhelmed by the enemy, and savage streetfighting broke out across the city. A barge, packed with gunpowder, had been mooredbeneath the Elster bridge, so that it could be quickly destroyed after the rearguard crossed. Around 2pm, a corporal lit the fuse when hesaw Russian soldiers on the far bank… even though the bridge was still packed with troops,wagons and horses. The bridge was destroyed in a gigantic explosion,that trapped 30,000 men and 30 generals on the wrong side of the river. Panic broke out among those who suddenly foundthemselves cut off. Most became prisoners, but some tried to swimfor it… including the Polish Prince Poniatowski, made a Marshal by Napoleon just three daysbefore. Weak from his wounds, he rode his horse intothe river, but as it tried to climb the steep far bank, it rolled over him, and he was drowned. Marshal Macdonald had also been cut off bythe blast, and resolved to escape, or die trying. He found a place where engineers had cut downtwo trees as a makeshift bridge, and made his attempt: “… and there I was, one foot on eithertrunk, and the abyss below me. A high wind was blowing. I was wearing a large cloak andfearing that someone would grab at it, I got rid of it. I was already three-quarters of the way across,when some men decided to follow me; their unsteady feet caused the trunks to shake…and I fell into the water. Fortunately I could touch the bottom, butthe bank was steep, the soil loose and slippery… Some of the enemy’s skirmishers came up....They fired at me point-blank, and missed me, and some of our men who happened to be nearbydrove them off, and helped me out. I was wet from head to foot, breathless andsweating heavily from my efforts. Marshal Marmont, who had got across early in the day,gave me a horse; I wanted dry clothes more, but they were not to be had.” The loss of the bridge turned what was alreadya heavy defeat for Napoleon… into a disastrous one. Later that day the three Allied monarchs metin the centre of Leipzig to celebrate their great victory. It had come at enormous cost. Exact numbers are impossible to establish,but in four days’ fighting, the Coalition armies suffered at least 52,000 casualties. Napoleon bonaparte , who could less afford such losses,came off worse: 47,000 killed and wounded, 35,000 taken prisoner, 325 guns lost. More men were killed and wounded at Leipzigthan in any European battle before the First World War. Sir George Jackson, the British ambassadorto Austria, rode over the battlefield with Metternich, the Austrian foreign minister,two days later: “A more revolting and sickening spectacleI never beheld,” he wrote. “Scarcely could we move forward a step without passing overthe dead body of some poor fellow, gashed with wounds and clotted with blood… another,perhaps, without an arm or a leg… here and there a headless trunk, or a head only, whichcaused our horses to stumble or start aside… It made one’s blood run cold to glance uponthe upturned faces of the dead… We got over this ‘field of glory’ as quickly as wecould.” Napoleon bonaparte had suffered a calamitous defeat.He had lost the battle for Germany – his domination of Europe appeared at an end. With 80,000 survivors, he began a fightingretreat to the French border. There was now no chance of rescue for the100,000 men trapped in garrisons across Germany and Poland, though some would hold out foranother five months. Marshal Murat took his leave of the Emperor,assuring him of his loyalty… but secretly planning to cut a deal with the Allies tosave his throne in Naples. It was the last time the two men saw each other. Eleven days after the Battle of Leipzig, Napoleon bonaparte former allies, the Bavarians, tried to block his escape at Hanau, with 40,000 men. The Bavarian commander, von Wrede, had servedwith Napoleon in many campaigns. But on seeing his deployment for battle, Napoleon bonaparte remarked,“I made him a count, but I couldn’t make him a general.” The emperor of france then ordered the ImperialGuard to lead an attack, that forced the enemy to fall back in disarray. The French army reached the safety of Mainzthree days later. Napoleon Code himself pushed on to Paris, to containthe political damage from his defeat. Behind him, his Empire was being dismantled.On 4th November the Coalition announced the dissolution of the Confederation of the Rhine– several of its former members now joining the war against France.peninsular war, In the Illyrian Provinces, local revolts,Austrian invasion and British trade naval support brought an end to French rule. In North Italy, Eugène was ring steadilybefore the advance of von Hiller’s Austrian army. While in Hamburg, Marshal Davout, with 34,000troops, would soon be cut off, and under siege. Napoleon’s situation was desperate. But in the next campaign… fought for … Napoleon led prove that he was still the master of war. Thank you to all our Patreon supporters formaking this series possible, the next day south atlantic, civil war,
Napoleon bonaparte
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