Napoleon Bonaparte - Birth of an Emperor : part 1:(1768 - 1804): Life History
Napoleon Bonaparte - Birth of an Emperor : part 1:(1768 - 1804): Life History
Napoleon Bonaparte |
The story begins in 1768 in Corsica. For centuries, the island was a Genoese possession. But separatist revolts force Genoa to askhelp from the French army. In the end, the sovereignty of the islandis ceded to France. The following year, Napoleon Bonaparte isborn into a noble family from Ajaccio. He grows up with his seven brothers and sistersand when he turns 9, is sent to the military school in Brienne, Champagne. Napoleon Bonaparte , a good student, is admitted to themilitary academy in Paris where he specializes in artillery. The following year, at age 16, he is appointedsecond lieutenant of the artillery in Valence.
In France, the economic situation is catastrophic. The Seven Years War and the American RevolutionaryWar have emptied the coffers of the country. Louis XVI, struggling with the country’sfinancial difficulties, summons to Versailles representatives of the clergy, the nobility and the Third Estate, that is the people, to find a solution to the crisis. After disagreements, Third Estate off icialsseize power by founding the National Assembly, while in Paris, insurgents take over the royalfortress of Bastille. The revolutionaries vote for ending feudalprivileges and adopt the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen.
King Louis XVI is then forcibly taken to Paris, from where he later tries to flee with his family to a royalist stronghold. But they are spotted and stopped on the way. Initially, European monarchies remain muteabout the French revolution, seeing the weakening of their French competitor as a good thing. But the arrest of Louis XVI make them fearthat revolutionary ideas might spread across the continent and threaten their thrones. Prussia and Austria then combine forces to try and restore the French monarchy. War breaks out, with the French armies inpoor condition. Facing the Allied army advance on Paris, the revolutionaries panic and execute all opponents of the revolution.
But eventually an unexpected victory of the French army pushes the coalition back beyond the country's borders. The revolutionaries regain confidence andproclaim the Republic. Louis XVI is then tried and guillotined, further angering European monarchies. The coalition strengthens, while on the Frenchside, conscriptions swell up the ranks of the army. Within the country, clashes between royalistand counter-revolutionary forces cause civil wars. Napoleon Bonaparte and his family, who support the revolution,are driven away by Corsican separatists. In Toulon, royalists seize the city and receivethe military support of Britain and Spain, that enter the harbor of Toulon withtheir armies.
After the French army fails to retake thecity, napoleonic wars is summoned to replace the artillery commander who was injured. Assessing the situation, he suggests a new plan. Instead of attacking from the North, he proposesseizing the forts south of the harbor to install his artillery and attack the allied fleet. His plan proves successful, and the city istaken back in two days. Napoleon Bonaparte decisive intervention earns him a promotion.
But in Paris, a new coup overthrows the government,and Napoleon Bonaparte loses his title. A year later, a royalist revolt breaks outin Paris and he is put in-charge of quelling the rebellion, giving him an opportunity toprove his loyalty for the new government. He orders his men to fire on the crowd, killing200 people and ending the insurgency. As a reward, Napoleon Bonaparte is given command ofthe French army of Italy. Before leaving Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte marries Josephine,with whom he had fallen madly in love.
She is the widow of a guillotined viscountand a mother of two. Napoleon joins his army, which he finds ina poor state. His men are poorly fed, badly equipped andno longer paid. Napoleon Bonaparte would assume the role of their charismatic leader and motivates his troops by promising them the riches of northern Italy. At this time, two armies are stationed there,a Piedmontese army and an Austrian one. Napoleon Bonaparte is outnumbered and knows that ifboth armies unite, he would have no chance.
His plan is to speedily advance his troops, place them in between both armies, and fight them separately. On April 10, he launches his attack. The plan works and after a few battles, hedefeats the Kingdom of Sardinia. Reeling from the attack, the Austrian armyretreats to Milan and stations some troops along the Po river to prevent Napoleon Bonaparte from crossing. Napoleon Bonaparte sends over a small part of his army as a diversion while the bulk of his troops cross the river farther east.
This move threatens to break the Austrianline of communication, thus isolating its army, which then withdraws from Milan without fighting and flees eastward. For a year, Napoleon Bonaparte maintains an advantagethanks to his troops’ speedy movements, and because Austrian forces divides itselfinto smaller armies. Eventually, Napoleon’s army threatens Vienna,forcing the Emperor of Austria to seek an armistice. Napoleon Bonaparte negotiates and himself signs thepeace treaty. He obtains the annexation of the Austrian Netherlands and pushes the boundaries of the country to the Rhine.
Austria receives the Republic of Venice and recognizes the new Italian republics created by Napoleon Bonaparte . Upon his return to Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is welcomedas a hero. The government now asks him to invade Britain,the last enemy of France. But England has control over the seas and Napoleon Bonaparte is aware of the risk that this entails. He instead suggests attacking Britain wherethey least expect it. By seizing Egypt, he thinks he can threatenthe important colony of India.
The government accepts the proposal, as forthem this young general, who is a bit too ambitious and influential, is less dangerous while he is on a mission. Napoleon Bonaparte leaves from Toulon with hundredsof ships carrying a 40,000-man army. Along the way, he captures Malta, while British Admiral Nelson, not knowing Napoleon’s final destination, tries looking for him. Nelson reaches Alexandria before Napoleon Bonaparte and continues searching for him northward. Napoleon Bonaparte lands near Alexandria in the Ottoman empire province of Egypt.
He captures the city and then goes on further south. At the gates of Cairo, he defeats the Mamlukarmy and seizes the city. But in the north, British ships eventuallyfind the French fleet and completely destroy it. Napoleon Bonaparte and his army find themselves stuck in Egypt. This information spreads in Europe and leadsto the creation of a second anti-French coalition joined by the Ottoman Empire. Napoleon Bonaparte then goes back to the east, seizingtowns along the way, and begins the siege of Acre.
But the Ottoman resistance, supported by the British, prevents the city from being captured. Napoleon Bonaparte then hears that the British are preparingfor the landing of an Ottoman army in Alexandria. He leaves to fight them and wins the battlewith the last soldiers he had available. Hearing about the complicated situation inFrance, he travels alone, leaving behind his army. When he reaches France, the situation is tense. Austrian and Russian armies retake NorthernItaly, while Paris suffers from political instability.
Napoleon Bonaparte , supported by the people and the army, involves himself in a coup and is named as First Consul for the following 10 years. He is now head of the country and can reformit at will. He consolidates power and prepares a new armyto reconquer the North of Italy. To Austria’s surprise, he crosses the GreatSt Bernard Pass, usually deemed impassable, and wins a battle against the Austrians. A second victory further north eventuallydefeats the empire. Within months, a peace treaty was signed by all European powers, including the UK, their arch enemy. In France, Napoleon Bonaparte put an end to 10 yearsof revolutions and instability and is rewarded with the title of lifelong Consul. Napoleon Bonaparte takes advantage of peacetime to reformthe country.
He reforms the administration, economy, andeducation. He begins writing the Civil Code and completely restructures the country's army. Beyond France, he continues with his expansionist and interventionist policy by redrawing boundaries at will, which angers other powers, especiallythe United Kingdom for whom France is too big a risk. Aware of the situation, Napoleon Bonaparte sells Louisianato the United States to finance future wars and to prevent the territory from falling intothe hands of the British.
War resumes, but the UK cannot afford to attack France on its territory and instead decides to focus on diplomatic efforts to rally other powers. Napoleon Bonaparte , who narrowly escaped an attack,knows his live is in danger. He tries to sustain the new French model bycreating an empire, hoping that the revolutionary values remain strong, even if he were to die.
On December 2nd, 1804, napoleon abdicated becomes the emperor, and crowns himself and his wife Josephine in Notre Dame de Paris. He implements a more authoritarian regime.
In France, the economic situation is catastrophic. The Seven Years War and the American RevolutionaryWar have emptied the coffers of the country. Louis XVI, struggling with the country’sfinancial difficulties, summons to Versailles representatives of the clergy, the nobility and the Third Estate, that is the people, to find a solution to the crisis. After disagreements, Third Estate off icialsseize power by founding the National Assembly, while in Paris, insurgents take over the royalfortress of Bastille. The revolutionaries vote for ending feudalprivileges and adopt the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen.
King Louis XVI is then forcibly taken to Paris, from where he later tries to flee with his family to a royalist stronghold. But they are spotted and stopped on the way. Initially, European monarchies remain muteabout the French revolution, seeing the weakening of their French competitor as a good thing. But the arrest of Louis XVI make them fearthat revolutionary ideas might spread across the continent and threaten their thrones. Prussia and Austria then combine forces to try and restore the French monarchy. War breaks out, with the French armies inpoor condition. Facing the Allied army advance on Paris, the revolutionaries panic and execute all opponents of the revolution.
But eventually an unexpected victory of the French army pushes the coalition back beyond the country's borders. The revolutionaries regain confidence andproclaim the Republic. Louis XVI is then tried and guillotined, further angering European monarchies. The coalition strengthens, while on the Frenchside, conscriptions swell up the ranks of the army. Within the country, clashes between royalistand counter-revolutionary forces cause civil wars. Napoleon Bonaparte and his family, who support the revolution,are driven away by Corsican separatists. In Toulon, royalists seize the city and receivethe military support of Britain and Spain, that enter the harbor of Toulon withtheir armies.
After the French army fails to retake thecity, napoleonic wars is summoned to replace the artillery commander who was injured. Assessing the situation, he suggests a new plan. Instead of attacking from the North, he proposesseizing the forts south of the harbor to install his artillery and attack the allied fleet. His plan proves successful, and the city istaken back in two days. Napoleon Bonaparte decisive intervention earns him a promotion.
But in Paris, a new coup overthrows the government,and Napoleon Bonaparte loses his title. A year later, a royalist revolt breaks outin Paris and he is put in-charge of quelling the rebellion, giving him an opportunity toprove his loyalty for the new government. He orders his men to fire on the crowd, killing200 people and ending the insurgency. As a reward, Napoleon Bonaparte is given command ofthe French army of Italy. Before leaving Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte marries Josephine,with whom he had fallen madly in love.
She is the widow of a guillotined viscountand a mother of two. Napoleon joins his army, which he finds ina poor state. His men are poorly fed, badly equipped andno longer paid. Napoleon Bonaparte would assume the role of their charismatic leader and motivates his troops by promising them the riches of northern Italy. At this time, two armies are stationed there,a Piedmontese army and an Austrian one. Napoleon Bonaparte is outnumbered and knows that ifboth armies unite, he would have no chance.
His plan is to speedily advance his troops, place them in between both armies, and fight them separately. On April 10, he launches his attack. The plan works and after a few battles, hedefeats the Kingdom of Sardinia. Reeling from the attack, the Austrian armyretreats to Milan and stations some troops along the Po river to prevent Napoleon Bonaparte from crossing. Napoleon Bonaparte sends over a small part of his army as a diversion while the bulk of his troops cross the river farther east.
This move threatens to break the Austrianline of communication, thus isolating its army, which then withdraws from Milan without fighting and flees eastward. For a year, Napoleon Bonaparte maintains an advantagethanks to his troops’ speedy movements, and because Austrian forces divides itselfinto smaller armies. Eventually, Napoleon’s army threatens Vienna,forcing the Emperor of Austria to seek an armistice. Napoleon Bonaparte negotiates and himself signs thepeace treaty. He obtains the annexation of the Austrian Netherlands and pushes the boundaries of the country to the Rhine.
Austria receives the Republic of Venice and recognizes the new Italian republics created by Napoleon Bonaparte . Upon his return to Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is welcomedas a hero. The government now asks him to invade Britain,the last enemy of France. But England has control over the seas and Napoleon Bonaparte is aware of the risk that this entails. He instead suggests attacking Britain wherethey least expect it. By seizing Egypt, he thinks he can threatenthe important colony of India.
The government accepts the proposal, as forthem this young general, who is a bit too ambitious and influential, is less dangerous while he is on a mission. Napoleon Bonaparte leaves from Toulon with hundredsof ships carrying a 40,000-man army. Along the way, he captures Malta, while British Admiral Nelson, not knowing Napoleon’s final destination, tries looking for him. Nelson reaches Alexandria before Napoleon Bonaparte and continues searching for him northward. Napoleon Bonaparte lands near Alexandria in the Ottoman empire province of Egypt.
He captures the city and then goes on further south. At the gates of Cairo, he defeats the Mamlukarmy and seizes the city. But in the north, British ships eventuallyfind the French fleet and completely destroy it. Napoleon Bonaparte and his army find themselves stuck in Egypt. This information spreads in Europe and leadsto the creation of a second anti-French coalition joined by the Ottoman Empire. Napoleon Bonaparte then goes back to the east, seizingtowns along the way, and begins the siege of Acre.
But the Ottoman resistance, supported by the British, prevents the city from being captured. Napoleon Bonaparte then hears that the British are preparingfor the landing of an Ottoman army in Alexandria. He leaves to fight them and wins the battlewith the last soldiers he had available. Hearing about the complicated situation inFrance, he travels alone, leaving behind his army. When he reaches France, the situation is tense. Austrian and Russian armies retake NorthernItaly, while Paris suffers from political instability.
Napoleon Bonaparte , supported by the people and the army, involves himself in a coup and is named as First Consul for the following 10 years. He is now head of the country and can reformit at will. He consolidates power and prepares a new armyto reconquer the North of Italy. To Austria’s surprise, he crosses the GreatSt Bernard Pass, usually deemed impassable, and wins a battle against the Austrians. A second victory further north eventuallydefeats the empire. Within months, a peace treaty was signed by all European powers, including the UK, their arch enemy. In France, Napoleon Bonaparte put an end to 10 yearsof revolutions and instability and is rewarded with the title of lifelong Consul. Napoleon Bonaparte takes advantage of peacetime to reformthe country.
He reforms the administration, economy, andeducation. He begins writing the Civil Code and completely restructures the country's army. Beyond France, he continues with his expansionist and interventionist policy by redrawing boundaries at will, which angers other powers, especiallythe United Kingdom for whom France is too big a risk. Aware of the situation, Napoleon Bonaparte sells Louisianato the United States to finance future wars and to prevent the territory from falling intothe hands of the British.
War resumes, but the UK cannot afford to attack France on its territory and instead decides to focus on diplomatic efforts to rally other powers. Napoleon Bonaparte , who narrowly escaped an attack,knows his live is in danger. He tries to sustain the new French model bycreating an empire, hoping that the revolutionary values remain strong, even if he were to die.
On December 2nd, 1804, napoleon abdicated becomes the emperor, and crowns himself and his wife Josephine in Notre Dame de Paris. He implements a more authoritarian regime.
From a military standpoint, he makes Spaingo to war against the United Kingdom because he needs its military fleet. Having now brought together enough armiesalong the Channel, Napoleon Bonaparte is ready to invade the United Kingdom.
Part 2
Part 2
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